Monday, August 29, 2011

I was raised to believe that women need men like a fish needs a bicycle.

Alice Walker's daughter:

"My mother's feminist principles coloured every aspect of my life. As a little girl, I wasn't even allowed to play with dolls or stuffed toys in case they brought out a maternal instinct. It was drummed into me that being a mother, raising children and running a home were a form of slavery. Having a career, travelling the world and being independent were what really mattered according to her

Thursday, August 25, 2011

i was viewed as something less by virtue of being a boy

I used to be a white knight

". . . my mother got very close with a group of women who were all divorcees , all were as i have since learned would fall under the term "gender feminists" and i then found myself in a place i didnt understand, I went from a family where we were all important , where myself and my sister were encouraged and pushed to being on the outside, in embracing these ideals my mother, and my sister became a unit where i was viewed as something less by virtue of being a man , or at that time an 11 year old boy , and that distrust of me decended into both physical and mental abuse which continued till i left home ."

brainwashing techniques and feminism or 'mens studies'

I made this post at reddit about a year ago.  I still think it holds.  It draws a parallel between the brainwashing techniques used in cults and those used by abusive feminists: 

It began with a Discovery Health article regarding wartime indoctrination of POWs in the 1950s. Curious mormon drew parallels between those techniques and Mormon indoctrination.  I'm not aggressively pro- or anti-mormon, I simply read that area from time to time.  (and religion, in general, is a side topic that I won't explore much on this blog.)

What I did see were the parallels between brainwashing and feminism:

First, in cults:
  • Assault on identity: You are not who you think you are.
  • Guilt: You are bad.
  • Self-betrayal: Agree with me that you are bad.
  • Breaking point: Who am I, where am I and what am I supposed to do?
  • Leniency: I can help you.
  • Compulsion to confession: You can help yourself.
  • Channeling of guilt: This is why you're in pain.
  • Releasing of guilt: It's not me; it's my beliefs.
  • Progress and harmony: If you want, you can choose good.
  • Final confession and rebirth: I choose good.
and what we see in some 'mens studies' programs:
  • Assault on identity: You are not as fully human as a women (or not as valuable to society)
  • Guilt: You are bad. Violence is bad. sexual thoughts are bad. Testosterone is bad. patriarchy is bad.
  • Self-betrayal: Agree with feminism that you are bad.
  • Breaking point: Who am I, where am I and what am I supposed to do? How can I stop oppressing people and benefitting from Patriarchy?
  • Leniency: Feminism can help you.
  • Compulsion to confession: You can help yourself. Confess your evil male compulsions.
  • Channeling of guilt: This is why you're in pain: you still think like a Patriarch.
  • Releasing of guilt: It's not me; it's Patriarchy.
  • Progress and harmony: If you want, you can reject Patriarchy.
  • Final confession and rebirth: I choose to reject Patriarchy.

I spent 30 years or so in “mangina purgatory”

from The Spearhead:

I spent 30 years or so in “mangina purgatory” before realizing that much of my warped outlook on life came from the twisted way in which my mother raised her children. My three brothers, subjected to the same cruelty, remain in mangina hell today.

"I'm a male who was raised by an ardent feminist, and now I'm suffering for it. "

from reddit:

"I grew up believing that men were dangerous and terrible and that my single-mother was all that was righteous in the world, to put it short. The result is that I am now terribly confused about what it means to be a man in society today, and this lack of identity is an issue I continually struggle with along with my anger and frustration over not having an identity. Well, I recently told her she was full of BS and she was a bully and that whenever she wanted to take her ovaries down from that cross she had them nailed to, to let me know."

Recovering From Feminism

People who were raised with an oppressive degree of hatred of their gender go through various degrees of self-hatred and self-betrayal. 

These are stories from men who were so raised.